Business news from Ukraine


The number of regular Internet users in Ukraine by the end of the third quarter of 2019 (Q3) increased by 7% to 22.96 million, the Ukrainian Internet Association (UIA) reported on its website with a link to the results of a study by Factum Group Ukraine.
The Association notes this indicator for the first time in the past few years has grown significantly. The main reasons for the growth in the association are called ‘smartphoneization’ of the population and an increase in the number of network users in villages and small towns.
So, by the end of September, Internet penetration increased from 71% to 74% in towns whose population exceeds 100,000 inhabitants, from 63% to 70% in towns whose population is lower than 100,000 inhabitants, and from 53% to 58% in villages.
“Alignment of the structure of Internet users in accordance with the structure of the population continues. This process has actually been completed by gender, and continues by other indicators: regional, professional, educational, income, age. Almost all Ukrainians younger than 35 are Internet users,” the Association said when commenting on the findings of the survey.
The most active users are Ukrainians aged 15-24 years (97% of Internet users), they are followed by people aged 25 to 34 years (96%). Users over 65 years old account for 29% (only 14% a year ago). The share of women in the total number of Internet users is still 52%.
Some 44% of Ukrainian Internet users have an average income level, 48% are below average. Some 40% have secondary specialized education, 36% have complete higher education.
The first place among Internet devices is a smartphone (66%), the second is a home laptop (40%), and the third is a PC (36%).
The share of users using exclusively mobile devices for access to the Internet in Q3 was 22%.

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