Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Number of vacancies as of 30.06.2024 (thousand units) according to the data of the state employment center

Number of vacancies as of 30.06.2024 (thousand units) according to the data of the state employment center

Number of unemployed people registered in public employment service as of 30.06.2024 (in thousands)

Number of unemployed people registered in public employment service as of 30.06.2024 (in thousands)

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (uah for 1 pln, in 01.07.2024-30.07.2024)

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (uah for 1 pln, in 01.07.2024-30.07.2024)

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (uah for €1, in 01.07.2024-30.07.2024)

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (uah for €1, in 01.07.2024-30.07.2024)

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (uah for $1, in 01.07.2024-30.07.2024)

Quotes of interbank currency market of Ukraine (uah for $1, in 01.07.2024-30.07.2024)

Number of unemployed in Ukraine and job opportunities, 2023-2024

Number of unemployed in Ukraine and job opportunities, 2023-2024