Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Number of refugees from Ukraine in selected countries as of 30.06.2024

Number of refugees from Ukraine in selected countries as of 30.06.2024

Population structure of Ukraine (data from Ukrainian institute of future)

Population structure of Ukraine (data from Ukrainian institute of future)

Number of dead and wounded civilians in Ukraine from 24.02.2022 till 31.07.2024 un data

Number of dead and wounded civilians in Ukraine from 24.02.2022 till 31.07.2024 un data

Financing state budget deficit, bln UAH

Financing state budget deficit, bln UAH

External financing of the state budget as of 01.06.2024, billion USD

External financing of the state budget as of 01.06.2024, billion USD

Components of state budget expenditures in 2021-2024, UAH bln

Components of state budget expenditures in 2021-2024, UAH bln