Export changes in % to previous period in 2021-2022
Source: Open4Business.com.ua and experts.news
Import of goods in Jan-Oct 2022 in most important positions and in relation to same period in 2021
Source: Open4Business.com.ua and experts.news
Export of goods in Jan-Oct 2022 to most important positions and in relation to same period of 2021
Source: Open4Business.com.ua and experts.news
Structure of Ukraine’s GDP in 2021 (production method, graphically)
Source: Open4Business.com.ua and experts.news
Forecast of dynamics of changes in GDP in % for 2022-2024 in relation to previous period
Source: Open4Business.com.ua and experts.news
Real GDP percentage changes over previous period in 2018-2022
Source: Open4Business.com.ua and experts.news