Volumes of cargo transportation in 2021, mln tons
Passenger flow through the western border of Ukraine in June 2022, thousand (graphically)
Data: State Border Service
Dynamics of balance of payments of Ukraine (USD mln)
Dynamics of gold and foreign reserves of Ukraine from 2012 to 2022
The profit of Ukrainian banks in January-August 2022 amounted to UAH 8.4 billion, which is 5.4 times less than in the same period last year (UAH 45.6 billion), the press service of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) reported on Thursday.
According to the report, the profit of Ukrainian banks in August amounted to UAH 5.05 billion, which is 37% less than the profit in July (UAH 8.05 billion).
The regulator noted that the income of banks in August increased by 20.3%, and expenses by 17.9%.
According to the regulator, the income of banks for 8 months of this year increased by 32% against the figure for the same period last year – up to UAH 227.5 billion. Including commission income increased by 2.25 times – up to UAH 130.846 billion.
At the same time, the result from the revaluation and from purchase and sale transactions was positive and amounted to UAH 39.617 billion, while for the same period last year it was negative and amounted to UAH 1 billion.
At the same time, the expenses of the banking system in January-August 2022 increased by 72% compared to this indicator in 2021, to UAH 219 billion, including contributions to reserves, by 12.4 times, to UAH 89.4 billion. At the same time, fee and commission expenses increased by 0.8% to UAH 21.93 billion,
As reported, Ukrainian banks doubled their net profit in 2021 to UAH 77.5 billion compared to UAH 41.3 billion in 2020.
Internal and external debt of Ukraine in 2009-2022
SSC of Ukraine
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