Business news from Ukraine

Oschadbank put up for sale a fruit and vegetable cannery in Transcarpathian region

28 September , 2022  

The State Oschadbank (Kyiv) put forward through the OpenMarket platform (SE “SETAM”) the right to conclude a financial leasing agreement for an enterprise in the village of Fanchikovo (Transcarpathian region), specializing in the canning of vegetables, fruits, and the production of canned fruits and vegetables.

According to a press release from the financial institution, the auction for the sale of the cannery owned by Oschadbank will be held on October 19 with a starting price of UAH 1.28 million.

According to the bank, Lot No. 517457 includes the right to conclude a financial leasing agreement for non-residential real estate with a total area of ​​14.77 thousand square meters. m and a lease agreement with the purchase of a land plot under the enterprise with a total area of ​​1.63 hectares.

It is specified that the winner of the auction receives the right to conclude a financial leasing agreement for the enterprise, the sale price of which (redemption value) is UAH 12.14 million. The buyer also needs to pay this amount in equal installments within 84 months from the date of the conclusion of the financial leasing agreement for the plant and the lease agreement for the land plot under it.

Oschadbank was founded in 1991. Its sole owner is the state.

According to the statistics of the National Bank, as of September 1, 2021, in terms of total assets, Oschadbank ranks second in the rating (UAH 254.54 billion) among 72 banks operating in the country.

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