Business news from Ukraine

Presidents of Germany and Ukraine took control of program of municipal communications between cities

26 October , 2022  

Presidents of Ukraine and Germany Volodymyr Zelensky and Frank-Walter Steinmeier approved a joint statement in which, among other things, they agreed on patronage over ties between cities and communities in Germany and Ukraine.”
“Today, for the first time in the history of our bilateral relations, we approved a joint statement by the presidents. Among other things, it establishes the personal patronage of President Steinmeier over the process of restoring the Chernihiv region. We agreed to work together at the local level, which is especially important in the context of our decentralization. The Ukrainian-German municipal partnership network will receive presidential patronage,” Zelensky said after meeting with the German president on Tuesday in Kyiv.
He also called Germany’s contribution to Ukraine’s movement towards peace and the restoration of our territorial integrity “weighty and significant.”
“I thanked Germany for providing the modern IRIS-T air defense system. She showed herself very well in protecting our sky. This is a priority, we all feel it. I hope that in the near future we can get a few more relevant systems,” Zelensky said.
“We discussed the whole range of threats – the continuation of missile terror, the involvement of Russia in accomplices of Iran and the next manifestations of Russian nuclear blackmail. We regard these and similar Russian threats in the same way as Germany,” Zelensky stressed.