Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Intervzryvprom” has increased its profit by 2.6 times and will use part of it to cover losses without paying dividends

26 November , 2022  

PJSC “Enterprise with foreign investment (EFI) “Intervzryvprom” (Gorishni Plavni, Poltava region) at the end of 2021 increased its net profit in 2.6 times compared with 2020 – up to 113.354 million UAH from 43.858 million UAH.
According to the company’s announcement about the annual meeting of shareholders, which will be held on December 27, the undistributed profits at the end of last year amounted to 72.175 mln hryvnia.
The draft decisions of the meeting proposed to the shareholders to approve the profit received in 2021 in the amount of 113,354 mln hryvnia. Of these UAH 40,879 mln to be used for paying off the losses of previous years, UAH 1 mln 599,9 thousand for the formation of the reserve capital of the company and UAH 70 mln 875,1 thousand to be left undistributed.
Not to pay dividends on the results of activity of PrJSC in 2021.
The stockholders will also summarize the results of the company’s activity for 2021, approve reports and approve major transactions.
As it was reported, in 2004-2005 Intervzryvprom put into operation at Poltava Mining and Processing Enterprise a technological line for production of emulsion and a mixing and charging machine which was purchased in the USA.
PJSC Intervzryvprom Foreign Investment Company (FIC) was founded in May 2001. It is engaged in the production of explosives.
According to the data of the National Tax Service as of the fourth quarter of 2021, PrJSC Ukrainian Financial Company and Intervzryvprom Ltd have 24.9981% each of the company’s shares, while M&Q Trading Limited and West Industrial Investment company Ltd (both in Cyprus) have 24.9972% each.
Intervzivprom Ltd. was registered in September 2000 with the registered capital of 1.5 million hryvnias. The company’s beneficiary Konstantin Nosov (Kiev) owns a 99.2% stake. Among its main activities is the production of explosives.
The registered capital of PJSC Intervzryvprom is UAH 10.666 mln, and the par value of its shares is UAH 100.

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