Business news from Ukraine

Cabinet postponed increase in teacher salaries for another year

20 December , 2022  

The Cabinet of Ministers postponed for another year the implementation of the resolution adopted in July 2019 to increase teachers’ salaries by 20-70%.
According to the representative of the Cabinet in the Verkhovna Rada Taras Melnichuk in the telegram channel, the relevant decision was made at the government meeting on Tuesday.
In particular, stopped until December 31, 2023, the Cabinet resolution of June 10, 2019 № 822 “On remuneration of pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical and scientific employees of educational and scientific institutions”.
As reported, on July 10, 2019, the Cabinet approved a reform of teacher pay with an increase to four subsistence minimum wage by 2023. The plan was for teacher pay to be 2.5 living wages in 2020, 3 living wages in 2021, 3.5 living wages in 2022 and 4 living wages beginning in January 2023. Later, due to lack of funds for the reform implementation in the state and local budgets, the decree was suspended until December 31, 2020. Its implementation was also postponed in subsequent years.