Business news from Ukraine

Denmark to create $1 bln fund to help Ukraine

15 March , 2023  

The Danish government will create a DKK 7 billion ($1.01 billion) fund in 2023 for military, civilian and business assistance to Ukraine, the Danish government says.
“The situation in Ukraine is extremely serious, and the need for significant support is acute. Ukraine’s struggle for freedom is a struggle for democratic values and society. Therefore, the government has joined forces with an overwhelming majority in the Danish parliament to create a fund of about 7 billion DKK in 2023,” the Danish Finance Ministry said on its official website Wednesday.
In addition, funds are available for 2024-2027 to finance replacements related to military contributions made in 2022 and 2023, the statement clarified.
The fund will reportedly consist of three parts.
The first. Military support in the form of weapons, other military equipment and personnel training – about DKK 5.4 billion in 2023.
The second part. Civilian support aimed at acute humanitarian problems as well as long-term reconstruction – 1.2 billion DKK.
Third part. Support for business initiatives that enable Danish companies to contribute to the reconstruction of Ukraine – 0.4 billion DKK.
Commenting on the event, Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen said: “Ukrainians are fighting not only for their own freedom, but also for the security of Europe. With this fund, we bring Denmark’s support of Ukraine to a new level. Not least of all it concerns the business sphere. Danish companies can supply many of the things Ukraine lacks, such as drinking water, district heating and food”.
Reportedly, the Danish Foreign Ministry is going to multiply efforts “to help Danish companies enter the Ukrainian market and allocate more funds to create better conditions for risky investments by Danish companies in Ukraine. This is good news for both Ukrainian and Danish businesses”.
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky thanked Denmark for the establishment of the Ukraine Support Fund.
“I am sincerely grateful to the Danish Parliament, Prime Minister and Government for the establishment of the Ukraine Support Fund. More than $1 billion for military, humanitarian and economic aid to Ukraine is the key to bringing our common victory over the aggressor and the return of peace to Europe!” – he wrote on Twitter on Wednesday.