Business news from Ukraine

13 Ukrainian companies have received right to make payments under contracts of reinsurance abroad

19 April , 2023  

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has included 13 insurance companies in the list of insurers with the right to conduct transactions with non-resident reinsurers, the regulator’s website says.
According to its data, on March 6, 2023 the list included IC “TAS”, IC “Universalna”; on March 13 – IC “Unica”, IC “Arsenal Insurance”, IC “ARKS”, IC “PZU Ukraine”, IC “TAS”; on March 20 – IC “INGO”; on March 29 – IC “Insurance Guarantees of Ukraine”; on April 4 – IC “Busin”; on April 17 – IC “Guardian”, IC “Ukrainian fire insurance company”, IC “European insurance alliance”.
As reported, on February, 13, the NBU reported that it expanded the possibilities of insurance companies on payment of insurance payments under reinsurance contracts with non-resident reinsurers, and specified the requirements for such operations.
Thus, starting from February 14 insurers, insurance and reinsurance brokers could make payments under respective contracts without restrictions as to the date of conclusion of such contracts under condition of fulfillment of a number of conditions.
In order to simplify the procedure for cross-border reinsurance payments, the National Bank has created a list of insurers and established the procedure for deciding on the inclusion and exclusion of an insurer from the relevant list, as well as the grounds for leaving applications without consideration.
In order to be included to the specified list a respective application should be submitted to the NBU. Inclusion of insurers in the list takes place if the insurer complies with a number of requirements, namely, absence of enforcement actions taken against the insurer for violation of legislation requirements in the sphere of financial monitoring (except written clauses) in realization of special economic and other sanctions, compliance with transparency requirements as to ownership structure, compliance with solvency, capital adequacy and risk ratios within the year prior to application submission and within the period of being in the list of insurers.
In addition, the financial strength (stability) rating of the non-resident reinsurer, with which the reinsurance transaction is performed, should correspond to the level not lower than “A3” (Moody’s Investors Service), “A-” (Standard & Poor’s), “A-” (Fitch Ratings), “A-” (A.M. Best).

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