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Business news from Ukraine

Charles III is crowned in Westminster Abbey

6 May , 2023  

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, during the coronation ceremony in Westminster Abbey laid the crown of St. Edward upon the head of King Charles III of Great Britain.

After the crown touched the monarch’s head, the guests of the ceremony followed the archbishop in shouting, “God save the king!” Gun salutes began throughout the kingdom.

Charles III will now be enthroned, after which the archbishop, clergy and Prince William of Wales will swear allegiance to him. Those present in the abbey will also be able to take the oath of allegiance to the king. British television viewers will also have the opportunity to do so, which has become an innovation.

Next will be the coronation of Queen Consort Camilla.

Charles III is the 40th reigning monarch to be crowned in Westminster Abbey since 1066.
