Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


20 March , 2018  

The public council of the Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Economy Ministry of Ukraine believes that the unified register of technical survey of real estate facilities should be created in Ukraine. “We propose to the Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Economy Ministry to create an electronic register of technical survey materials. Notaries, lawyers, employees of the centers of administrative services will be able to verify in the register if the survey has been provided with a technical passport,” Head of the ZakhidTekhInventaryzatsia association Andriy Davydiuk said at a press conference at Interfax- Ukraine on Tuesday.
He said that the electronic register will allow verifying the authenticity of technical documents, as well as providing rescue services with useful information.
“On April 19, the first Ukrainian congress of engineers for the technical surveys of real estate is planned to be held in Kyiv, where we plan to create a unified platform and develop draft recommendations [on improving the technical surveys],” Head of the public council at the Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Utilities Economy Ministry Pavlo Mikhailidi said.
Chairman of SkhidTekhInventaryzatsia Illia Meleshkin said that the technical passport in Ukraine does not give enough information about a real estate facility, in particular, its location. This information in open sources would relax work of rescue services, he said.
Davydiuk said that the public real estate technical survey register would not affect privacy of real estate owners as opponents of the creation of the register believe.
“Since 1998, constructors place information about construction projects on their websites and layouts of apartments are available to the public. When apartments are sold online, their layouts and passports are also posted. One should not be afraid of it,” Davydiuk said.