Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine’s public debt in April rose to $124 bln in dollar terms

29 May , 2023  

Ukraine’s total national debt in April 2023 increased by 3.6% and reached a new historic high: in dollar terms – by $4.37 billion, to $124.28 billion, in UAH – by 159.9 billion, to UAH 4 trillion 544.9 billion, according to the Ministry of Finance.
According to them, the direct national debt over the previous month rose by 4.0% – to $115.08 billion, or UAH 4 trillion 208.3 billion, amounting to 92.6% of the total public debt and publicly guaranteed debt.
It is reported that the external direct debt in April increased by $4.68 billion – to $75.79 billion, while the domestic direct – reduced by 8.0 billion UAH to UAH 1 trillion 436.7 billion (the equivalent of $39.29 billion).
The aggregate external public debt of Ukraine in April 2023 increased by 5.9%, or $4.61 billion – to $83.11 billion, while the total domestic – decreased by 0.6%, or 8.6 billion UAH, to 1 trillion 505.5 billion UAH.
As a result, the share of total external public debt in April increased from 65.5% to 66.9%.
According to the Ministry of Finance, the share of obligations in euros at the end of April rose to 26.02%, in Canadian dollars – to 2.57%, in SDR – to 13.24%, while in U.S. dollars it fell to 27.11%, in UAH – to 30.24%, in Yen – 0.80% and in British pounds remained at 0.02%.
The Ministry also specified that 65.18% of the state debt had a fixed interest rate, whereas 13.24% was tied to the IMF rate, 6.42% – to SOFR, 0.92% – to Libor, 3.77% – to EURIBOR.
The rate of another 3.19% of the government debt is tied to the consumer price index, while 6.93% is tied to the NBU discount rate. We are talking about government bonds from the portfolio of the National Bank. The most recent ones are the securities tied to the discount rate, which the NBU bought within the frames of budget emission financing.
Finally, 0.33% of the government debt is linked to the Ukrainian index of interest rates on deposits of individuals, used in portfolio guarantee programs.
Since the beginning of 2023, the total national debt of Ukraine increased by 11.6%: $12.89 billion in dollar equivalent and UAH 471.4 billion.
As previously reported, the public debt and publicly guaranteed debt of Ukraine in 2022 increased by $ 13.4 billion – up to 78.5% of GDP from 48.9% at the end of 2021.