Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine will retain state ownership of about 100 strategic companies

24 June , 2023  

The Ministry of Economy will send to the Government of Ukraine a list of just over 100 strategic companies that will remain in state ownership, the list must then be approved by the Verkhovna Rada, said Deputy Economy Minister Sergei Sobolev.
“The rest will be privatized … We still have a lot of state property, we look at it as a locomotive for investment,” he said at a roundtable on “Creating a transparent and accountable Ukraine” in London on Friday.
Sobolev noted that the Ministry of Economy is actively working on the transfer of state companies to the State Property Fund and has already transferred more than one thousand.
“In those that remain, we need to improve corporate governance. This year we need to update the legislation on these tenders,” stressed the deputy minister.
He clarified that the question is about the bill 5593-d “On improvement of corporate governance of legal entities.” “We will have to work to pass it in the parliament by mid-autumn, it is the main task for the next 3-4 months for us,” specified Sobolev.
According to him, the main idea is to improve the legislation so as to attract investment in companies through better corporate governance.
Among other important tasks, he named nationalization of companies of sub-sanctioned entities, corporatization of Energoatom and Guaranteed Buyer, improvement of corporate governance of UGTSU and continuation of reform of Ukroboronprom.