Business news from Ukraine

“Agrain” has exceeded its grain harvest plan by 20%

11 August , 2023  

Agrarian enterprises of Agrain group of companies have completed the harvesting campaign of winter wheat on the area of more than 14 thousand hectares, which are located in Odessa, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr and Kharkiv regions, the press service of the agroholding reported.

“The plan for grain harvesting by farms of the agro group for 2023 is generally overfulfilled by 20%. Maximum winter wheat yield was obtained on the fields of LLC “Agrovit” (Cherkassy region) – 7.8 tons / ha and LLC “Agricor Holding” (Chernihiv region) – 7.0 tons / ha. The crop was harvested on time in all regions, even despite rainy weather at the end of July. Wheat grain, harvested this year, is of high quality and clean”, – the press service quoted the chief agronomist of the agricultural holding Slavko Stanisic.

Currently, work is underway to prepare the soil for sowing winter crops for the 2024 harvest. Agroholding enterprises are preparing for reaping sunflower and corn.

“Agrain” is engaged in the cultivation and storage of grain and oilseed crops, as well as animal husbandry. Before the full-scale Russian invasion, the agroholding included 11 agricultural enterprises and cultivated about 110 thousand hectares in Zhytomyr, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Odessa and Cherkassy regions. The holding is owned by SAS Investcompagnie (France).
