Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Since August 1, more than 1400 applications for compensation for destroyed housing have already been submitted

13 August , 2023  

Since August 1, the day of launching the mechanism of compensation for destroyed housing, more than 1400 applications have already been submitted, the commissions are scheduled to start their work on August 15, the press service of the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine reports.

According to the press service of the ministry, the most applications have been submitted by residents of Kharkiv (597), Kyiv (428) and Chernihiv (113) regions. The total area of destroyed housing, for which applications have been filed, is about 100 thousand square meters. m. About 60% of the submitted applications relate to compensation for the destroyed apartment.

As reported, since August 1, “Dia” started accepting applications for compensation for housing destroyed because of the war.

Compensation will be paid to sole owners of housing, which was destroyed due to hostilities after February 24, 2022, is not subject to reconstruction and is located in the non-occupied territory and not in the zone of active hostilities. In addition, an information report on the destroyed property submitted by its owner must be registered in the registry.

Applications will be considered by the commissions previously established at local governments to process eRecovery applications. According to the press service of the Ministry of Restoration, the commissions will start to consider this type of applications from August 15.

At this stage, compensations will be paid in the form of electronic housing certificates for the purchase of housing.

The Ministry of Reclamation is also developing a mechanism for the payment of funds for the construction of new private houses on the land plot of the compensation recipient.

At the first stage of implementation of the program “eRestoration” compensation will not be provided for destroyed housing located in the temporarily occupied territories or in the combat zone.

Earlier in May, the state aid program “eRestoration” was launched, providing assistance for the current repair of housing damaged as a result of the war.

As reported with reference to KSE Institute data, as of June 2023, the total number of dwellings destroyed or damaged as a result of hostilities: about 167.2 thousand dwellings, of which 147.8 thousand – private houses; 19.1 thousand – apartment buildings, another 0.35 thousand – dormitories.