Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Cabinet of Ministers approved next year’s draft budget

15 September , 2023  

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmygal said that the Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft state budget for 2024 with own general fund revenues of UAH 1 trillion 560 billion and general fund expenditures of UAH 3 trillion 108 billion.

“The key focus of this project is the defense and security of our country. We are directing more than half of all budget resources – 1 trillion 685 billion UAH. This amount is 113 billion UAH more than this year. There will be even more weapons and equipment. More drones, ammunition, missiles. Just like this year, every penny of taxes of citizens and businesses will go to ensure our security and defense forces,” wrote Shmygal in his Telegram channel.

According to the Prime Minister, the second priority is the social sphere, budget expenditures for which will amount to 469 billion UAH, which is 25 billion UAH more than this year.

“The third priority is medicine and education. For the education sector we allocate 179 billion UAH, and this is 23 billion more than in the current year. For medicine – 202 billion UAH, which is 24 billion more than the expenditures of 2023,” he said.

Shmygal noted that the fourth priority is the support of veterans, and we increase spending on this program twice – from 6.8 billion UAH in 2023 to 14.3 billion UAH next year.

“The fifth priority is the recovery of our economy. No tax increases are expected. The government continues programs of preferential lending, the program of non-refundable grants – work, support for Ukrainian startups. We also launch new programs for industrial parks, implementation of investment projects, to support the Ukrainian manufacturer”, – he concluded.