Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

International Atomic Energy Agency supported Grossi’s appointment as director general for another 4 years

26 September , 2023  

The general conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on September 25 supported the appointment of Rafael Grossi as the agency’s director general for the next four years, namely from the beginning of December 2023.

According to the board’s decision at the 67th session of the general conference in Vienna, the conference particularly recognized Grossi’s efforts to ensure nuclear safety in Ukraine.

“I am honored to have been appointed by unanimous decision of the board to serve another term in office, and I am very grateful for the trust that member countries continue to place in me as chairman of this truly remarkable organization,” Grossi said.

He said, “This comes at a time when we face many serious challenges, and I am fully committed to continuing to do everything in my power to fulfill the IAEA’s important mission in support of global peace and development.”