Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Sunflower prices in domestic market of Ukraine returned to level of 13.5-14 thousand UAH/tonne

26 December , 2023  

Sunflower prices in the domestic market of Ukraine returned to the level of 13.5-14 thousand UAH/ton, which corresponds to the indicator of the beginning of December, the information and analytical agency “APK-Inform” reported.

“Despite the decline in prices on the export market of sunflower oil, the need to replenish the raw material base and growing competition with exporters forced processors to raise purchase prices,” analysts explained.

According to their data, as of December 25, the demand prices of processing enterprises have increased to 13.5-14 thousand UAH/ton of SRT, and in western and southern regions they often reach 14.5 thousand UAH/ton under the same conditions.

At the same time, processing companies note that the previous price decrease has significantly reduced the supply of oilseeds on the market. Agrarians continue to restrain sales, expecting an increase in demand and prices after the resumption of sunflower exports to Bulgaria.

“The resumption of Ukrainian oilseed exports to Bulgaria is still only in the process and is expected no earlier than January after the approval of licenses, for which applications have already started to be submitted,” warns APK-Inform.
