Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian corporation Biosphere wants to buy major distributor of household and hygiene products

4 February , 2024  

Biosphere Corporation, Ukraine’s largest manufacturer and distributor of household and hygiene products, may acquire Service Pro LLC (Dnipro), which called itself the largest distributor of household and hygiene products in Ukraine in its 2020 report.

According to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine on its website, it has granted Biosphere permission to purchase over 50% in the capital of Service Pro LLC.

According to Opendatabot data, the ultimate beneficial owner of the LLC with authorized capital is Tetyana Korotash. The company in 2022 reduced its revenue by 33.9% to UAH 2 billion 14.02 million, and its net loss amounted to UAH 21.60 million compared to UAH 103.87 million net profit a year earlier. The LLC had assets of UAH 1.18 billion at the end of 2022.

In the report for 2020, when revenue amounted to UAH 2 billion 712.20 million and net profit of UAH 153.78 million, Service Pro indicated that it represented three main business lines: household goods – the largest selection of products for cleaning in and outside the house, for cooking; personal care products – wet wipes, cotton hygiene products, cosmetic products, intimate hygiene products, paper products and decor; and products for professional use.

In the assortment range of the enterprise there were almost 1000 items of goods, sold both in Ukraine and exported to 30 countries of the world.

“Our ambition is to become the largest manufacturer and distributor of household and hygiene products in Europe, as well as in the perspective of 5 years to enter the markets of North and South America”, – stated then “Service Pro”.

Biosphere Corporation has been operating in Ukraine for more than 25 years. Its products are represented on the markets of 30 countries in Europe and Asia. The product portfolio includes more than 2 thousand items under 13 trademarks “Freken Bok”, Smile, Selpak, Vortex, Novita, PRO service, “LayKit”, Bambik and others.

The corporation’s capacities are represented by four plants with a total production area of 35 thousand square meters in Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev and Khmelnitsky regions, open production in Ternopil, as well as logistics complexes with an area of 30 thousand square meters. m.

The KPD plant in Dnipro, the largest production and logistics complex of the corporation with an area of 34 thousand square meters, produces garbage bags and wet wipes.

Together with the French Groupe Lemoine, Biosphere also owns a plant in Estonia for the production of cotton products with an area of 8.5 thousand sq. m. ADB

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