Business news from Ukraine

There are no schedules of emergency shutdowns in Ukraine – Ministry of Energy

30 March , 2024  

On Friday, emergency shutdown schedules were canceled until the end of the day in all six regions – Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kirovograd, Poltava, Sumy and Zaporizhzhya, where they were applied during the evening peak load due to grid restrictions and insufficient local generation due to damage to power plants by Russian Federation attacks, the Energy Ministry said.

Its message in Telegram on Saturday notes that as of the morning emergency shutdown schedules are not applied anywhere, and hourly shutdowns are in effect only in Kharkiv region for 120 thousand subscribers, the reason for which is significant damage to the equipment of NEC Ukrenergo by Russian attacks and, as a consequence, the inability to transmit the necessary volume of electricity.

As noted on the air of the telethon “United News” chairman of the Board of “Ukrenergo” Vladimir Kudrytsky, the situation in Kharkiv remains difficult, restoration work continues.

“Today the dispatch center “Ukrenergo” also imposed restrictions in this area. They are less than yesterday, since the weekend, but they remain in place. Also somewhat limited power supply to industry in Dnipropetrovsk region, in particular in Krivoy Rog power hub. In Khmelnitsky and Odessa regions there are no restrictions today”, – described the situation the head of the system operator.

According to the Ministry of Energy, currently there is no electricity deficit in the energy system, it works in a balanced way. It added that yesterday at the request of Poland in the energy system of Ukraine supplied electricity from 12:00 to 15:00 hours.

As a result of the UAV attack on Saturday night, the equipment at one of the substations in Odessa region was disconnected, which left about 70 thousand consumers without light for a short period of time

In addition, in Dnipropetrovsk region, high voltage lines were shut down due to the state of the networks – household consumers, industry, and railroads were left without power supply, where train traffic disruptions were recorded. Within half an hour all consumers were supplied with power.

During the day power engineers have resumed power supply for about 151 thousand consumers, including all those de-energized due to bad weather. In particular, about 18 thousand households, de-energized as a result of unfavorable weather conditions in Kirovograd region, have been restored.
