Business news from Ukraine

Naftogaz is negotiating gas storage with Germany’s RWE, Norway’s Equinor, France’s TotalEnergies and Engie

10 April , 2024  

Naftogaz of Ukraine is negotiating gas storage deals with Germany’s RWE, Norway’s Equinor, France’s TotalEnergies and Engie, the group’s CEO Oleksiy Chernyshov told Bloomberg.

According to him, there is still time to conclude agreements, as the largest volumes of gas injection usually occur in August and September.

Chernyshov also clarified that so far no foreign company that already stores gas in Ukraine has abandoned its decisions, despite the recent Russian attacks on gas infrastructure.

The company continues to serve customers and repair equipment damaged by recent rocket attacks.

The Head of the NJSC reminded that the state energy regulator has recently improved the conditions for gas storage from June 1, 2024. The new rules include shorter booking intervals for capacity – for months rather than for a whole year, which improves the attractiveness of Ukrainian storage facilities for foreign traders.

As reported, in 2023, the volume of gas from foreign traders and energy companies pumped into Ukrainian UGS facilities for storage reached 2.5 bcm. This year, Naftogaz expects to increase this figure to 4 bcm.

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