Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian cheese market has become less interesting for European suppliers – Infagro

5 June , 2024  

Sales of cheese on the domestic market are becoming more difficult, but cheese makers continue to actively produce it, as they consider cheese making more attractive than the production of exchange dairy products, Infagro news agency reported.

“Sales managers have to constantly work in promotions to get rid of stocks in warehouses. Promotional discounts can be quite significant. Such cheese is already becoming competitive with imported counterparts, which are also massively sold in promotions,” analysts advise and point out that European suppliers are becoming less interested in supplying cheese to Ukraine, and they will not rush to increase volumes in the future.

According to experts, due to difficulties with sales in the domestic market and the devaluation of the hryvnia, cheese exports are becoming even more important for producers. It is especially interesting for exporters to Kazakhstan.

“Production of semi-hard and white cheese may even increase in May. At the same time, many products have been stored in warehouses, and in June the production of such cheese should decrease significantly,” Infagro predicts.