Business news from Ukraine

“Kyivpastrans has again announced tender for purchase of trolleybuses for EUR50 mln with EIB financing

12 June , 2024  

Kyivpastrans, as part of the implementation of the European Investment Bank-financed program “Urban Public Transport of Ukraine”, has announced a new tender for the purchase of 12m and 18m trolleybuses for a total amount of up to EUR50m.

According to the announcement published in the Official Journal of the EU, to which the AllTransUA portal refers, it is planned to purchase low-floor trolleybuses, as well as the necessary spare parts, tools and equipment.

Disclosure of the bids is scheduled for July 31. The first batch of trolleybuses should be delivered in 24 weeks after the receipt of the advance payment by the supplier, and the entire contract is designed for 78 weeks.

As reported, under this loan agreement with the EIB, Kiev has already tried twice to purchase trolleybuses – the tender announced in November 2022 failed, and the one announced in August 2023, with bids submitted by the Czech Republic’s Škoda and Turkey’s Bozankay, was recently finally canceled, according to AllTransUA.

“Unfortunately, just like last time, single and two-section trolleybuses are to be delivered within one lot, and the quantity ratio is not specified in the announcement. This creates exactly the same problems as last time, when Ukrainian manufacturers could not participate, and foreign manufacturers offered a purely formal number of two-section trolleybuses (1 and 3 pcs.),” – notes AllTransUA.

As reported, the EIB and Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko on December 10, 2021 signed a loan agreement for EUR100 million for the project of renewal of the trolleybus fleet, as well as the car fleet of the capital’s metro. This was the first loan from the EIB in Ukraine offered directly to the city without state guarantees.


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