Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Export Credit Agency supported UAH 1.23 bln of exports in May

16 June , 2024  

In May 2024, the Export Credit Agency (ECA) supported UAH 1.23 billion of exports, while since the beginning of the year this amount amounted to UAH 2.93 billion, according to the ECA website.

It is specified that one hryvnia of ECA’s insurance liability has generated UAH 11.15 of future export revenue as of today.

Among ECA’s partner banks, MTB Bank provided the largest financing to Ukrainian exporters in May (UAH 79.2 million), and it also supported the largest exports – by UAH 911.2 million. It is followed by Ukrgasbank (UAH 182 million of supported exports and UAH 28.2 million of loans issued) and Oschadbank (UAH 80.8 million and UAH 17.1 million, respectively) in the top three in May.

Since the beginning of the year, the leader among banks is Urgasbank, which has provided export loans worth UAH 120.5 million, thus securing UAH 1.75 billion in future revenue.

Among the regions, Kyiv (UAH 911.2 million), Ivano-Frankivsk (UAH 158.4 million), and Lviv (UAH 165.2 million) regions were the most active users of ECA insurance to develop export potential in May, while partner countries included Poland (UAH 660.7 million), Denmark (UAH 197.6 million), and the Netherlands (UAH 158.4 million). The most popular export products include milk and dairy products, processed vegetables, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
