Business news from Ukraine

Kovalska acquires second permit for Korosten granite deposit

13 July , 2024  

PJSC Transnational Corporation Granit of the Kovalska Industrial and Construction Group owned by Oleksandr and Serhiy Pylypenko won the State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources auction for the sale of a special permit for the extraction of granite from the Korosten-Shchorsivska-II area of the Korosten deposit (Zhytomyr region). NADRA.INFO reports citing data from the platform, accredited by Prozorro.Sale.

The auction took place on Friday, 12.07.2024 (NADRA.INFO announced the auction). The only competitor to TNK Granit was I.B.K. Development LLC owned by Oleksandr Lukianets, Oleh Volyntsev, and Vitaliy Zhukovsky.

The auction was the second repeat and started at UAH 5,898,024.89. This is twice less than the initial cost of the first auction (UAH 11,796,049.78), which did not take place on 06.06.2024, and a quarter less than the repeated auction on 06. 25.2024. It is worth noting that during previous attempts, TNK Granit could not buy the special permit because it was the only bidder (the procedure requires at least two bidders).

During today’s auction, the participants did not bid. The final bids (aka initial bids) are as follows:

  • I.B.K. Development LLC – UAH 5,898,024.89;
  • PrJSC TNK Granit – UAH 5,998,024.89 (the winner).

The bidding is available here. If the winner refuses to buy the lot, it will forfeit UAH 11,796,049.78 of the guarantee fee.

TNK Granit has been developing the neighboring Korosten deposit since 2006. As we wrote earlier, open sources show that Kovalska’s group controls such mining facilities (some of which we wrote about here and here):

  • Rozvadiv Construction Materials LLC: sand and limestone – Rozvadivske deposit (Lviv region);
  • Transnational Corporation Granit PrJSC: granite – Korostenskoye deposit (Zhytomyr region, see above);
  • Omelyanivsky Quarry LLC: granite – Berezivske deposit (Zhytomyr region);
  • Pivden Budresurs LLC: sand – Zhavynska area (Desna riverbed, Chernihiv region);
  • Bootside LLC: sand – Novo-Ukrainske deposit, Vostochna area (Dnipro riverbed, Kyiv region);
  • SandContract LLC: sand – Osokory area (Dnipro riverbed, Kyiv);
  • Rivne-Budmaterialy LLC: sand – Yushkivska area; sand – Protsivske deposit, Pivnichna and Pivdenna areas (Dnipro riverbed, Kyiv region);
  • Kakhovka Budresurs LLC: sand, Malokakhovska area (Kherson region);
  • Energy Product LLC: drinking and technical groundwater – Novokakhovske field (Kherson region).

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