Business news from Ukraine

Latvia to allocate 100 thousand euros to support Ukrainian medical institutions

17 July , 2024  

The Government of Latvia has approved the allocation of EUR 100 thousand to finance the operation of Ukrainian medical institutions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia reports.
“On July 16, 2024, the government approved a bill submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the allocation of financial resources from the State Budget Program “Reserve Fund”, which aims to provide funding in the amount of 100,000 euros for Latvia’s support to the functioning of Ukrainian medical institutions in wartime. By this order of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is authorized to make a contribution on behalf of Latvia to support the work of Ukrainian medical institutions,” the statement said.
It is noted that the funds will be used to reconstruct medical facilities and supply medical equipment, their operation and treatment of patients. The payment will be made through a single responsible UN agency, such as the World Health Organization or the UN Office for Project Services, or through the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
“The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and embassies, is collecting information on urgently needed medicines, medical devices and equipment, and work is underway to organize the next shipment of donations to Ukrainian medical institutions,” the Foreign Ministry said.
Since the beginning of the Russian invasion, Latvia has been providing Ukraine with medical devices, medicines, ambulances and other medical equipment and materials.
On July 8, 2024, Russia launched a missile strike on Ukraine’s largest children’s hospital, Okhmatdyt, and the ISIDA Women’s Health and Family Planning Center. The strikes injured or killed several patients and doctors of both medical institutions. These attacks have seriously disrupted the operation of medical facilities and put additional strain on other Ukrainian hospitals.