Business news from Ukraine

“Ukrnafta” announces extension of deadline for accepting applications from potential partners for joint development of some fields

26 July , 2024  

On March 11, 2024, according to the previously announced schedule, the process of accepting applications from potential partners for joint development of 21 fields was completed.

The company is currently finalizing the terms of cooperation with the companies that submitted the best proposals, preparing to submit joint applications to the Interdepartmental Commission for the organization of the conclusion and implementation of production sharing agreements and subsequent approval of the final terms of the production sharing agreements by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

However, due to the interest of investors who were unable to participate in the first selection and the availability of fields with the potential for joint development, the Company decided to extend the application deadline for some fields by 3 months until September 10, 2024.

For more details on the algorithm for submitting applications and selecting potential investors, please follow the link.