Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


18 September , 2015  

KYIV. Sept 18 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPF) has formed a list of 910 facilities of groups A, D and Z that are eligible for privatization, the fund has said on its website.

“In addition, there are around 30,000 facilities that are not included in the charter capitals [of enterprises], which could be privatized,” Deputy SPF Head Tetiana Burtniak said at a meeting with property market players on Tuesday.

She said that the fund’s website includes information on facilities eligible for privatization which will soon be expanded with photo materials.

“The goal is clear and transparent – we finally want to achieve the sale of the whole number of small privatization facilities, most of which have not found investors for a long period of time,” Deputy SPF Head Natalia Lebed said.

She said that the purchase of state property from SPF has its own advantages compared to the secondary market: fully open information on the facilities, transparent ownership history, postponement of payments for two months, and the possibility of selling it with one bidder.

“Facilities are not sold due to various reasons, but the sale procedures today are clear and transparent, the fund reports on each its privatization step,” Burtniak said.

The participants of the meeting, including the heads of Colliers International, CBRE, the Chamber of Realtors of Ukraine, the Association of Realtors of Ukraine and the Unions of Realtors of Ukraine expressed their readiness to cooperate with the fund and promised to send proposals on their participation in the privatization of small facilities.