Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Half of Ukrainians consider unified telethon to be no longer relevant

9 September , 2024  

About half of Ukrainians believe that the unified telethon is currently irrelevant. About 16% of citizens have a neutral attitude to it, another 15% have no answer. At the same time, only 17% of Ukrainians believe that the telethon has not lost its relevance.

This is evidenced by the data of the survey conducted by the sociological service of the Razumkov Center together with the Foundation “Democratic Initiatives” named after Ilk Kucheriv on behalf of the Movement “Honestly” from 9 to 15 August 2024.

“The level of support for the telethon by citizens has significantly decreased compared to the last wave of sociological research conducted in December 2023. At that time, 5% more respondents considered the telethon relevant. Neutral attitude to the relevance of the telethon also had 5% more citizens”, – stated in the message of the Movement ‘Honestly’ on the official website on Monday.

In addition, Ukrainians have a request for the resumption of openness in the work of the parliament. About 57% of citizens are in favor of online broadcasts of meetings on the Rada TV channel – this figure has not changed.

As the results of the survey show, the number of viewers of the telethon is becoming less and less, and therefore the expediency of its existence is in question. 35% of Ukrainians completely agree with the thesis about the loss of relevance of the telethon format. Another 16% of citizens rather support this position. At the same time, as noted in the report, the newly appointed Minister of Culture Mykola Tochytskyy in his first speeches in office notes that the telethon will continue to exist.

He says that constructive changes in the format of the telethon will be positively received. It is noted that the need to change the format was also mentioned in an interview with “Honestly” by the chairman of the Committee on Freedom of Speech, Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, but there have been no significant changes during the existence of the telethon.

It is reported that the survey recorded certain differences in the regional context. The southern regions of Ukraine are more negatively disposed to the telethon, while the indicators of other regions are almost the same.

It is also noted that Ukrainians who call Russian their native language are 10% more likely to call the telethon irrelevant. At the same time, the percentage of those who consider the format of the telethon relevant is the same among Ukrainian and Russian speakers.

Regarding the online broadcasting of parliamentary sessions on the TV channel “Rada” the position of all regions is very similar. Residents of different regions do not show any significant differences in this issue.