Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Kyivvodokanal” and the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine are preparing for pollution coming along the Desna River to Kiev

11 September , 2024  

PJSC Kyivvodokanal and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine are preparing for the pollution coming along the Desna River to Kyiv, which is forecast to reach Kyiv region on September 14-16, but treatment facilities should cope with it, said the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Svetlana Hrynchuk.

“If initially Ukrgidrometcenter predicted that the pollution will reach the water intakes of Kievshchyna somewhere on September 10-11, now this forecast has already shifted to 14-16. It should also be said that pollution is not recorded in Kyiv region,” she said on the air of the Unified National Telethon on Wednesday.

The Minister added that now the Department sees an improvement in the situation, water treatment facilities of the water channel should cope with this type of pollution.

“Also installed additional nets, additional such physical barriers to prevent and dead fish, in order to additionally not polluted,” – said Grinchuk.

According to her, the pollution recorded in the areas of the Desna River in Chernihiv region is no longer as homogeneous as it was before, and is fixed point by point.

According to Hrynchuk, to help all living things in the river, in particular fish, aeration units have been installed. Three of them worked in the Chernihiv area. It was decided to install two more such systems additionally from September 10.

“That is, to date the situation is controlled, we carry out constant monitoring and (take – IF-U) those measures that can improve the situation,” – summarized Hrynchuk.