Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine exported 69 mln tons of cargo via sea corridor

13 September , 2024  

During the 13 months of the Ukrainian Sea Corridor’s operation, 68.6 million tons of cargo were transported. Of these, 46 million tons were grain.
During this period, more than 2.5 thousand vessels used the “sea corridor” to export products to 46 countries, the press service of the Ministry of Communities and Territories Development reported on Facebook.
The report quotes Oleksiy Kuleba, Deputy Prime Minister for the Restoration of Ukraine and Minister of Community and Territorial Development, as saying that despite the Russian missile attack on a civilian ship transporting grain from Ukraine to Egypt, Ukraine will continue to ensure the effective operation of the Ukrainian corridor in the Black Sea.
“Ukraine will continue to ensure the effective operation of the Ukrainian corridor in the Black Sea so that all countries in Africa and the Middle East receive the necessary products. The world should respond accordingly and increase sanctions pressure on Russia for violating the international law of the sea,” Kuleba said.
He reminded that Russia systematically attacks port infrastructure, which directly affects food security in the world. During the full-scale invasion, more than 50 such attacks took place, as a result of which more than 280 port infrastructure facilities were damaged and more than 100 thousand tons of agricultural products were destroyed.
Earlier it was reported that on September 12, Russia launched a missile attack on a civilian ship transporting grain from Ukraine to Egypt. Ukraine reported this crime to the United Nations and the International Maritime Organization. The ship that was hit by the Russian Federation in the Black Sea was flying the flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

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