Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine will produce 1.6 mln tons of sugar in 2024/2025 with demand of 900 thsd tonnes – Vysotsky

13 September , 2024  

In the 2024/2025 season, Ukraine will produce 1.6 million tons of sugar against the domestic market demand of 900 thousand tons, which is one of the best indicators for the last five years, said Taras Vysotskyi, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, during the conference “Drought and War: What will be the harvest this year and how will it affect the economy”.
“It should be noted that we will once again have quite significant sugar production. Farmers planted less sugar beet than in the last record year. However, at the level of 1.6 million tons, with domestic consumption of 900 thousand tons, this is a good indicator. It is one of the best in the last five years,” he said.
Vysotsky emphasized that the sugar produced will be enough for the domestic market, and there is a significant potential for export. He confirmed that the quota for Ukrainian sugar to be supplied to the EU market has been exhausted. However, the production figures for the current sugar season in Ukraine are very good.