Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Number of Green Card contracts in Ukraine decreased by 8.7%

15 September , 2024  

The number of Green Card contracts concluded in January-August 2024 decreased by 8.7% to just over a million, according to the website of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTIBU).
According to the report, the total accrued insurance premiums under such contracts for eight months increased by 6.22% compared to the same period in 2023 – up to UAH 3.751 billion.
At the same time, the amount of claims paid increased by 16.2% to EUR 32.5 million, while the number of claims paid increased by 9.81% to 10.117 thousand.
MTIBU is the only association of insurers providing compulsory motor third party liability insurance for owners of land vehicles.
“Green Card is a system of insurance coverage for victims of road traffic accidents, regardless of their country of residence or country of vehicle registration. It covers 45 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa.
According to the decision taken by the General Assembly of the Council of the Bureau of the International System of Motor Insurance “Green Card” in Luxembourg in May 2004, Ukraine became a full member of the system on January 1, 2005.