Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved draft state budget for 2025 with deficit reduction to 19.4% of GDP

14 September , 2024  

The Ukrainian government on Friday approved the draft state budget for 2025 with revenues (excluding official transfers and grants) of the general fund at UAH 2 trillion 7.4 billion and expenditures of the general fund at UAH 3 trillion 643.6 billion, the Finance Ministry said on its website.

“The forecast of state budget financing for 2025 provides for a reduction of the state budget deficit to 19.4% of GDP (in the current law on the state budget for 2024 – 20.6%), which corresponds to the indicators agreed with international partners,” the press release said.

According to it, with a projected deficit of UAH 1 trillion 640.6 billion, state borrowings of the general fund are planned in the amount of UAH 2 trillion 237.6 billion, including internal – UAH 579.2 billion and external – UAH 1 trillion 658.4 billion. “Not the entire volume of external borrowings has yet been confirmed by international partners – which requires further painstaking and perseverance,” the Finance Ministry pointed out.

The ministry specified that external financing is envisaged in the amount of $38.4 billion, privatization – UAH 3.2 billion, debt service of UAH 480.8 billion.
In the draft amendments to the state budget-2024 on the growth of general fund expenditures by UAH 434.6 billion, which the Verkhovna Rada adopted in early September, general fund revenues are envisaged in the amount of UAH 1 trillion 811.1 billion, expenditures – UAH 3 trillion 546.7 billion, deficit – UAH 1 trillion 846.1 billion, state borrowing – UAH 2 trillion 348.0 billion, including internal – UAH 742.0 billion, and total external financing – $41.3 billion.