Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

TAS Insurance Group increased payments by 54%

21 September , 2024  

In January-August 2024, TAS Insurance Group (Kyiv) paid UAH 1.253 billion under the concluded insurance contracts, which is 53.8% more than the amount of the company’s indemnities for the first eight months of last year, according to the insurer’s website.
More than a quarter of the total amount of payments, or 27.4%, accounted for hull insurance – UAH 343.7 million, which is 35.1% higher than the corresponding figure for 8 months. In 2023, 33.1%, or UAH 414.3 million, was accounted for by MTPL (+33.3%), 21.5%, or UAH 269.6 million, by Green Card (+98.4%).
The share of VHI in the company’s claims portfolio amounted to 14.4%, or UAH 179.9 million (2.04 times more) over the past eight months.
Under property insurance contracts, TAS IG paid UAH 7.34 million (+49.7%) in the reporting period.
Under other insurance contracts, the company paid UAH 37.9 million (+84.1%).
TAS Insurance Group was registered in 1998. It is a universal company that offers its clients more than 80 types of insurance products in various types of voluntary and compulsory insurance. It has an extensive regional network: 28 regional directorates and branches and 450 sales offices throughout Ukraine.

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