Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovative Companies and Entrepreneurship Development Fund sign memorandum of cooperation

25 September , 2024  

September 24, 2024, Kyiv – As part of the Access2Finance conference, after the panel discussion “Sources of Financing for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMEs)”, an important event took place – the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovation Companies (UAFIC) and the Entrepreneurship Development Fund.

The memorandum was signed by Rostyslav Dyuk, Chairman of the Board of UAFIC, and Viktor Katrenych, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Entrepreneurship Development Fund. The purpose of the agreement is to strengthen cooperation between the organizations to support regional economic development and strengthen the position of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ukraine.

The memorandum pays special attention to supporting veteran and women-owned businesses, which is one of the key aspects of social responsibility. The parties also intend to promote the implementation of the principles of sustainable development and ESG (environmental, social and governance criteria), which are important for ensuring sustainable economic growth and increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian entrepreneurs.

The parties agreed on joint initiatives aimed at increasing SMEs’ access to finance, promoting regional economic activity, and introducing the latest technological solutions for business development.

“The signing of this memorandum is an important step for UAFIC towards expanding opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine. It is important that as part of our cooperation we will focus on supporting veteran and women-owned businesses, which are the basis for creating a more inclusive and sustainable economy. In addition, the implementation of ESG principles will be a key aspect for increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises,” said Rostyslav Dyuk, Chairman of the UAFIC Board.

“For the Fund, the top priority is to support Ukrainian business, especially in such difficult times. In addition, this is exactly the period when it is necessary to involve businesses in the implementation of ESG standards and further develop in this direction for the successful implementation of economic activities. That is why we are pleased to sign a memorandum with UAFIC to jointly support entrepreneurs in our country,” said Viktor Katrenych, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Ford Entrepreneurship Development.

The signing of this memorandum is an important step in strengthening Ukraine’s economy, improving the business climate and supporting entrepreneurship that meets the principles of sustainable development.

The memorandum was signed at the Access2Finance conference, which was supported by the USAID Project Investing for Business Sustainability.


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