Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Optima Online School Joins the European Business Association

26 September , 2024  

Optima Distance Learning School announced on its Facebook page that it has joined the European Business Association (EBA), one of the largest and most influential business communities in Ukraine.

According to the school’s founder, Maria Miletska, this step is intended to accelerate the further development of the educational institution and improve educational programs based on innovative approaches and methods.

“EBA membership opens up new opportunities for Optima to cooperate with leading companies and experts, which will help improve the quality of educational services and allow the school to invest more effectively in educational projects using modern technologies and approaches to learning. Students and their parents will have access to even more innovative and high-quality curricula that meet international standards,” Miletska said.

She also emphasizes that membership in the European Business Association is a recognition of its reliability and professional level. This confirms that Optima continues to move towards providing high-quality education for its students, helping them prepare for a successful future.

Thus, joining the EBA is an important step in strengthening Optima’s position in the educational services market, providing additional opportunities for its students, their parents and teaching staff.

Earlier, at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine, Optima School Director Olga Bilodid announced that Optima School had received a permit to conduct educational activities in Poland and had started teaching high school students (grades 10-11) in this country.

Optima School was established and licensed in 2015. Currently, the school has 20 thousand students and is the largest online school in Ukraine.