Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

G7 leaders agree on $50 bln in loans for Ukraine

28 October , 2024  

The G7 leaders have agreed to provide $50 billion in loans to Ukraine, according to a joint statement.
The Group of Seven leaders have agreed to provide Ukraine with $50 billion in loans through the Emergency Revenue Acceleration mechanism.
“This money will be serviced by future proceeds from the immobilization of Russian sovereign assets in accordance with the G7 legal systems and international law. Disbursements are planned to be made through various channels, including budgetary, military and reconstruction assistance to Ukraine,” the statement said.
The leaders expressed their gratitude for the timely implementation of this historic decision and noted the constructive participation of the European Union in reaching the agreements.
It is stated that the G7 reaffirms its commitments made at the Puglia summit and focuses on supporting Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression, which has caused significant damage to the Ukrainian people.