How many companies are located in the territory of active hostilities
According to the Ministry of Reintegration, 180,253 Ukrainian companies are registered in the frontline areas. Of these, 14% are in the areas of active hostilities. Most of these businesses are in Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia regions.
Currently, more than 1.4 million companies are registered in Ukraine. 13% of them are registered in the frontline areas – about 180 thousand businesses.
You can check the registration of companies and individual entrepreneurs in the temporarily occupied territories in the OpenDataBot.
Only 1.1 thousand of these companies operate in the areas where active fighting is taking place and all state registries are disabled. Another 25 thousand (14%) are located in the area of active hostilities, where state electronic information resources are functioning. The vast majority are registered in the area of possible hostilities – 153 thousand businesses
Kharkiv region has the largest number of registered businesses among the 9 frontline regions. More than a third of companies are registered in this region – over 69 thousand. Almost half as many businesses are registered in Zaporizhzhia region – 32 thousand. Mykolaiv region closes the top three with 27 thousand (15.2%).