Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


3 December , 2015  

KYIV. Dec 3 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Khlibni Investytsii holding LLC, Ukraine’s large bread producer, has invested around EUR 2 million in modernization of its bakeries since September 2015, the holding said on its website.

The holding said that double liability company Ivano-Frankivsk bread baking complex started realizing a project on the new long loaf line worth EUR 1 million and it is planned to launch it in March 2016.

A modernized doughnut line was launched at the complex in November 2015. Its capacity is up to 80 tonnes a month. The products are made under the Tsar Khlib brand.

Public joint-stock company Chernivtsi bread baking complex took energy saving measures. A new boiler, waste heat exchangers and cook tops were installed. The measures allowed saving up to 30% of energy. The value of energy saving measures was EUR 500,000.

Public joint-stock company Teremno (Lutsk) is realizing the truck fleet upgrade program: five new trucks to transport bread were bought. It is planned to buy five more trucks. Investment totals EUR 300,000.

Berdychiv Bakery LLC expanded its retail chain: eight new bread kiosks were opened from September to December 2015.

The bakery also invested EUR 200,000 in confectionary production. The truck fleet of the company is being expanded.

Pershy Stolychny Bakery LLC installed equipment and launched the croissant line, the fleet was increased by 10 trucks and 10 new bread kiosks were opened.