Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


21 December , 2015  

KYIV. Dec 21 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The European Commission on Friday approved a positive report on the implementation by Ukraine of the Action Plan on Visa Liberalization (VLAP) with the EU by Ukraine.

“Based on this assessment and the commitments taken, and given the outcome of the continuous monitoring and reporting carried out since the launch of EU-Ukraine Visa Liberalization Dialogue in October 2008, the Commission considers that Ukraine meets all the benchmarks set in respect of the four blocks of the second phase of the VLAP. Taking into account overall relations between the EU and Ukraine, the Commission will present, early 2016, a legislative proposal to amend Regulation (EC) No 539/2001,” reads the report of the European Commission, which is available to Interfax-Ukraine.

Besides, the document describes Kyiv’s progress achieved in document security, including biometrics, integrated border management, migration management and asylum, public order and security, external relations and fundamental rights.

However, Kyiv leadership still committed to ensure that the National Anti-Corruption Bureau and specialized anti-corruption prosecution are fully operational in the first quarter 2016; ensure independence and integrity of the specialized anti-corruption prosecution office; ensure that the National Agency for Corruption Prevention is fully operational in the first quarter 2016 and verification of assets and potential conflicts of interests of public officials in areas and positions most vulnerable to corruption will be launched immediately after; and to adopt legislation on procedures concerning seizure of assets and special confiscation with a view to make the Asset Recovery Office fully effective.

Kyiv is also obliged to ensure in the state budget for 2016 and onwards the necessary financial resources for the well-functioning anti-corruption institutional framework, including the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.

According to the procedure, European Commission must submit a recommendation to European Council and European Parliament to take a decision over establishment of the visa free regime for the citizens of Ukraine.