KYIV. March 28 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Agroprodservice Corporation (Ternopil region) will build a soybean workshop with a crushing capacity of 40,000 tonnes, the company has reported on its website.
The workshop will produce soybean cake and unrefined oil. Now the corporation has facilities that can produce 1,400 tonnes of soybean cake every month.
“The decision to expand soybean crushing is linked to the realization of the strategic cattle breeding development plan, as soybean cake use in cattle feeding considerably cuts the cash cost. Soybean oil is actively used to make high-calorie fodder mixes at own plant,” the corporation said.
The corporation’s marketing services have started studying exports opportunities and soybean oil markets.
Agroprodservice will expand soybean planted areas and buy it from farmers.
Agroprodservice Corporation was created in 1999. As a diversified enterprise, it operates in 50 settlements in seven districts of Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. The company cultivates 37,000 hectares of land.