Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


19 December , 2019  

Pivdenna Agrarian-Export Company (PAEK, Mykolaiv) plans to acquire Buhsky Elevator LLC (Poltava from one of the largest Ukrainian agricultural holdings Kernel.
According to an agenda of the meeting of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, the committee could permit Pivdenna Agrarian-Export Company LLC to acquire a stake in the charter capital of Buhsky Elevator, which will grant over 50% of the votes in the management body of the company.
In addition, PAEK asked for a permission to acquire assets in the form of property complex belonged to Agroprosperis Trade LLC (Vinnytsia) via Rozdollia LLC (Mykolaiv region), which would allow the company to primarily process and store grain in Mykolaiv region.
In August 2019, the co-owners of the PAEK group announced their plans to divide business.
At the end of September, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine permitted Rostyslav Danylchenko and Yuriy Kormyshkin to divide assets.
After the division of business Kormyshkin owns a land bank of 50,000 ha and the grain storage facilities with a capacity of 200,000 tonnes.