Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


11 April , 2016  

KYIV. April 11 (Interfax-Ukraine) – State enterprise Horse Breeding of Ukraine, which provides breeding pedigree horses, in 2015 saw UAH 6.4 million of net profit against UAH 875,000 of net loss in 2014, company director Denys Ptushko has said at a briefing at Interfax-Ukraine.

“In 2015 we managed not only to preserve but also increase horse numbers: as of January 1 the figure stood at more than 1,700 animals, which is 2.6% more than in the previous year,” he said.

According to Ptushko, the structure of horse breeds was as follows:

Ukrainian Saddle horse – 417 animals, Orlovsky Trotter – 398 horses, Russian Trotter – 338 horses, Thoroughbred horses – 292 animals, Novo-Oleksandrivska Heavy Draft horses – 111 animals, and 144 working horses.

In addition, the company branches by early 2016 had 3,380 pigs, 448 cattle and 187 sheep.

In general, the company last year increased production of agricultural goods in monetary terms by 8.2%, to UAH 74.9 million, the profitability of sales amounted to 17.4%, increasing by 7.9% compared to 2014.Horse Breeding of Ukraine was established by the government of Ukraine through the reorganization of state-owned horse breeding enterprises. The company includes 14 branches in ten regions of Ukraine, including ten studs, three breeding centers and Odesa Hippodrome.