KYIV. May 19 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Ukraine’s State Aviation Service seeks to regulate safety of flights of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
The authority has designed a draft concept for rules and procedures providing safety of flights of general aviation, sports, amateur and unmanned aerial vehicles and posted it on its website.
According to the document, it is linked to the appearance of new types of aircraft, including those remotely controlled.
The UAVs will be certified with a document covering all elements required for servicing the controlled flight. The core criteria for classification of UAVs as followed: the flight weight, performance radius, control method and kinetic energy when UAVs bump into an obstacle.
UAV external pilots have similar liabilities as pilots of aircraft.
The authority proposes that the external pilot certificate is designed with all required skills and restrictions.
The introduction of the new type of the airspace user aims at cutting risks for all airspace users.
The authority intends to create a special UAV division.