Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


27 May , 2016  

KYIV. May 27 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The completion of the Lvivska Brama subway station of the Syretsko-Pecherska line of Kyiv Metropoliten is being discussed with investors. Some core issues are to be settled with city authorities.

An Interfax-Ukraine correspondent has reported that Spokesperson of Kyiv Metropoliten Natalia Makohon gave the information during a visit of the station on Thursday.

“An investment tender scheme and station entrances have not yet been determined. The station has been mothballed for 20 years. We hope that Kyiv residents would be able to use it, as it would unload the central part of the city,” she said.

Makohon said that the readiness of the station is around 80%. The tracks and power supplies are operating.

“Many funds are required to complete it and a lion’s share of them is required to buy escalators equipment, install it and build entrances. This is a deep station – around 50 meters deep,” she said.

Makohon said that the city would decide whether the station would be completed using Kyiv budget funds or investors’ funds.

Asked about the Telychka station of the same line, Makohon said that the station was built as a technical station.

“I think that when at least a residential area is built in the district [where the station is located] city officials may consider opening it. We use this station as technical one,” she said.