Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


29 April , 2015  

KYIV. April 29 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The representative office of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE), which opened in Brussels on April 21, 2015, will help Ukrainian entrepreneurs to search for business partners, investors and sales markets in Europe, the ULIE’s press service reported.

According to ULIE President Anatoliy Kinakh, this is extremely important as it is being carried out before the establishment of a free trade area between Ukraine and the European Union (EU), which will become effective as of January 1, 2016.

“We will suggest focusing on the development of the industrial sphere as well as small- and medium-sized businesses, which are the backbone of the economy, create jobs, and generate tax revenues for the national budget. It’s of paramount importance under the conditions of economic crisis and before the changes Ukrainian enterprises will face following the full inauguration of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) between Ukraine and the EU next year,” Kinakh said.

According to him, Ukraine has to speed up the adaptation of its legislation to free trade conditions with the EU today. In particular, Ukraine should speed up the introduction of EU technical and sanitary standards, mutual recognition of certificates of conformity for products, and the harmonization of tax legislation with EU norms and regulations.

The ULIE Office is developing cooperation with all of the EU institutions – the European Parliament (EP), the European Commission (EC), the External Action Service, etc. – in order to intensify the European integration process. Its relations with BUSINESSEUROPE – the leading EU organization of entrepreneurs and employers including more than 40 national entrepreneurs’ associations of European businesses, are also very important.

The ULIE Office is planning to include the Ukrainian side in talks on the possible revision of the EU Neighborhood Policy concerning Ukraine, especially its businesses. “European support is almost unavailable for Ukrainian businesses, first of all, because of unrealistic conditions of crediting. We will raise this issue when communicating with our European colleagues in order to change the situation, streamline cooperation mechanisms with nowadays reality, and bring specific results,” Kinakh said.

The ULIE Office in Brussels will carry out a very important information function – giving Ukrainian businesses an opportunity to learn about various EU institutions’ programs.

The Interfax-Ukraine News Agency was the media partner of the Office opening in Brussels and has set up a specific information product – Ukraine Open for Business – containing Ukrainian business news for Europeans, which will help European partners better understand Ukrainian economic trends and prospects.