Business news from Ukraine


19 September , 2016  

Although Ukraine is trying hard to solve the problem of diversification of exports due to the loss of eastern markets and the Republic of Turkey may become the best partner in many respects, trade between Ukraine and Turkey is on the decline. The industrial community together with government agencies should strive to change the situation. This was discussed at a meeting of President of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, head of the Anti-Crisis Council of NGOs Anatoliy Kinakh and Commercial Counselor of the Embassy of Turkey in Ukraine Haidar Kocak.

Trade between Ukraine and Turkey in 2015 fell by a quarter and the first half of 2016 it slid by another 17%. This does not fit into the foreign strategy of both countries and needs to be fixed. What is more, the Turkish industry needs such commodities as steel and fertilizers, which are produced by Ukraine in sufficient quantities.

The Turkish side insists that the introduction of free trade regime between the countries can significantly improve the situation. Progress was achieved in that issue, but Ukraine has decided to review certain positions. “In the end, it has turned out that Ukraine would like to leave 80% of traditional Turkish exports outside the free trade agreement, but precisely these positions are of paramount importance to us,” the commercial counselor stressed.

Anatoliy Kinakh in turn said that the process of negotiations on free trade is always difficult because every country seeks to increase exports of value-added commodities and limit the supply of raw materials. All of them are trying to protect the domestic markets and support domestic producers.

“However, in view of the fact that Turkey is our very important trade partner, I believe that the approval of free trade is timely, and agreement of the positions must accelerate. That is why we are ready to arrange a joint roundtable meeting in October this year with Turkish producers, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkey and Ukraine that are ULIE members, representatives of ministries and departments to discuss all disputable issues,” Anatoliy Kinakh said.

Haidar Kocak informed the ULIE president that two Turkish companies in Ukraine were being inspected by Ukrainian law-enforcement agencies, which slowed their work and reduced efficiency.

The leader of the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs said that companies from neighboring states would have support from the ULIE and its employees in protecting the rights and interests of businesses.

The sides expressed confidence that the Ukrainian-Turkish economic and investment relations have every reason to continue sustainable development based on trust, mutual benefit and understanding.